Arrigo Bidoli
The Bidoli family winery makes a dramatic first impression. The building itself is modern, angular and stylish with one very obvious exception; a tall, cylindrical and strikingly old brick chimney protrudes from it. The vestiges of a pre-existing brick factory, it’s rather like seeing a saddle on top of a Ferrari but we’re nothing if not fans of ‘quirky’. Winemaker Arrigo Bidoli and his sister, Margherita, are the sibling duo behind this fantastic Italian operation. Set in the northeast of Italy in Friuli-Graves, their vineyards straddle the braided River Tagliamento as it makes its way from the Alps to the Gulf of Venice. They follow a proud tradition of making clean, fresh and fruity Pinot Grigio under the Sandenel, Pecile, Fornas and Bidoli label.