Collection: Laurence Deche
Southwest France is the new alternative to the New World for the best quality white wines at reasonable prices. Here the land is less expensive, and it is perhaps embracing technology quicker than some of the traditional appellations. It is also beneficial for young winemakers like Laurence who are staying at home and choosing to make their wine rather than sell their grapes.
While some winemakers focus on getting the most juice from their grapes by allowing big, bland bunches, Laurence concentrates on flavour. She limits her yield by removing bunches which forces the vine to direct nutrients towards the remaining grapes. She also makes sure the sun can get to them by skilful canopy management. This results in a lower quantity of wine, but it drastically pushesup quality.
While some winemakers focus on getting the most juice from their grapes by allowing big, bland bunches, Laurence concentrates on flavour. She limits her yield by removing bunches which forces the vine to direct nutrients towards the remaining grapes. She also makes sure the sun can get to them by skilful canopy management. This results in a lower quantity of wine, but it drastically pushesup quality.