Press Review: Elias Mora Semicrianza, DO Toro, Spain 2016
Press Review:
Elias Mora Semicrianza, DO Toro, Spain 2016
"When Paddy Keogh introduced Ireland to the wines of the breakthrough female winemaking team the Two Victorias many years ago, the ambition and sophistication of their Tinto do Toro, the then rustic version of Tempranillo was self evident. Over the years they have evolved their own style and here, Victoria Benavides has brilliantly created a vision of Toro red wine as a lean, modern, supremely balanced cool red wine, as far from its rustic past as one could imagine. This is a red wine that open-hearted New World Cabernet lovers could easily embrace." - Tomás Clancy, The Sunday Business Post - October 14, 2018