Our Story

From our family to yours, we believe that the best moments in life are shared over good food, great wine, and meaningful conversation. These moments are rooted in the traditions that shaped us, passed down from one generation to the next.

Where it all Started

Growing up, our family holidays were simple but unforgettable. Every morning, without fail, my father would wake us up early—not a chore but a cherished routine. We’d head out for a swim in the freezing lake, mist still lingering over the grass, the world quiet and still. It was our special time. After the swim, we’d set off, walking or sometimes running, to the local patisserie. The smell of fresh bread hung in the air, and we’d watch in awe as the bakers brought out trays of golden loaves, baked with love and care since the early hours. By lunchtime, the queues would snake around the corner again, as the village gathered for their daily dose of fresh, crusty bread

The Importance of Sharing Food.

It was during these early mornings that I first understood how food and family are inseparable. No matter what happened at the table—whether it was laughter, debates, or arguments—everything seemed to soften by the end of the meal. Problems that felt massive moments earlier would shrink into the background, washed away by the simple act of sharing food and wine with those you love. That’s the beauty of family: the conversation flows, emotions surface, and before you know it, things that seemed insurmountable fade into the rearview mirror

From our Family to yours

As a family and as a business we have carried these values forward. Each bottle we select is chosen with the same care and attention, meant to be shared at tables where laughter echoes and conversation flows freely.

But our dedication to family goes beyond our own. Every bottle we bring to you represents the heart and soul of another family—our winemakers. These are not faceless producers; they are people whose hands have worked the same soil for generations, passing down their craft just as we pass down our love for food and wine.

We’ve formed deep relationships with these winemakers, who, like us, understand the importance of family. 

Supporting Families Around the World

When you choose a bottle from Wines Direct, you’re not just supporting our family—you’re supporting theirs. 

From the hills of Italy to the vineyards of Spain, the wines on your table have been nurtured by families who pour their passion into every harvest. We take pride in knowing that when you share a bottle, you’re helping sustain family-run vineyards all over the world, keeping traditions alive and ensuring that these incredible stories continue to be told through their wines.

From our family to yours, we invite you to open a bottle, set the table, and savour the moments that matter most—over good wine and even better company. Together, we’re supporting families, sharing in their heritage, and celebrating life’s simplest joys.

Gareth & Gavin Keogh (The Wine Brothers)

The Keogh Family - The Wine Brothers

Gareth Keogh

Gareth Keogh, took over the position of CEO of Wines Direct from his Mother Siobhan in 2019. He is deeply committed to finding wines that capture the authentic essence of terroir—the true story of the land where they are grown. 

Under his leadership, Wines Direct continues to seek out small, independent winemakers who produce wines that reflect the unique conditions of their vineyards each year. 

For Gareth, it’s not just about finding great wines, but about sourcing bottles that tell the story of the soil, climate, and craftsmanship behind them. He believes that every vintage carries the narrative of what happened that year in the vineyard, and his mission is to share these authentic, unfiltered stories with customers. Through this passion, Gareth brings a deeper connection between wine lovers and the land from which each wine originates.

Gavin Keogh

Gavin Keogh, COO of Wines Direct and the other half of the Keogh Brothers, is driven by a commitment to innovation and a customer-first approach. 

With a deep understanding of the evolving wine landscape, Gavin constantly seeks new ways to enhance the customer experience, from personalised wine selections to flexible subscription models.

His focus on innovation ensures that Wines Direct stays ahead of industry trends, offering customers unique and tailored wine experiences. Gavin’s dedication to customer satisfaction is at the heart of his work, making every interaction feel personal, thoughtful, and designed to meet the needs of wine enthusiasts.