[message]Pambuffetti Family
Founded in 1884, the Scacciadiavoli (from scacciare – to banish, and diavoli – devils) winery takes its name from an exorcist that lived in a town at the borders of the property who used the wine for his rituals. In 1954 Amilcare Pambuffetti, at 71, bought the Scacciadiavoli holding, where at the age of 14 he had worked as a farmhand. Upon his death in 1977 his sons Alfio, Settimio and Mario continued the activities that had begun with their father. In the year 2000 the Pambuffetti brothers (Francesco, Carlo, and Amilcare), the children of Settimio, in the name of an ancient tradition, decided to take the winery into their own hands – the oldest of its kind in the area. Although the winery never stopped its production since 1884, the year 2000 saw the beginning of extensive renovations undertaken without modifying the original building- preserving all the historical architectural structures while introducing new technologies and modern machinery. The winery lies on a hill, with a vertical building on four levels of which one is below ground, and all the production takes place by gravity-flow.